In the dynamic world of construction, 每个项目都涉及复杂的金融交易, managing billing processes efficiently is crucial. Enter ProForm, a powerful solution developed by LBMC Technology Solutions,旨在彻底改变AIA(美国建筑师协会)的计费方式 Construction industry.

Seamlessly integrated with Sage Intacct’s ERP accounting platformProForm简化了复杂的计费程序,提高了准确性,并优化了现金流.

How ProForm can benefit construction professionals

1.Efficiency and Accuracy

AIA billing 通常涉及细致的文档、跟踪成本和遵守特定的指导方针. ProForm通过消除手动数据输入和减少错误来简化这一过程. Here’s how it works:

Seamless Integration: ProForm seamlessly integrates with Sage Intacct, 确保所有与账单相关的信息驻留在单个平台中. 不再需要在不同的系统或电子表格之间切换.

Streamlined Workflow: Say goodbye to redundant work. ProForm简化友邦保险计费要求,让您专注于核心任务. 无论您是商业服务承包商还是分包商, ProForm简化了大型项目的进度计费.

2. Cash Flow Optimization

建设项目通常跨越数月甚至数年,沿途有多个里程碑. ProForm确保及时开票,这直接影响到现金流. Here’s how it benefits you:

Timely InvoicingProForm的系统在正确的里程碑生成发票. 承包商不再需要手动跟踪进度或担心错过计费周期.

Financial Visibility使用ProForm,您可以实时了解项目成本和现金流. 做出明智的决定,而不是玩弄不同的系统. 无论你是在计划购买材料还是分配资源, ProForm provides the necessary data.

3. Specialty Trade Contractors, Rejoice!

ProForm迎合专业贸易承包商的独特需求. Whether you specialize in fire/security solutions, plumbing, electrical work, masonry, carpentry, or roofing, ProForm has you covered. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

Tailored SolutionsProForm了解不同行业的细微差别. It adapts to your specific requirements, 确保您的结算流程与您的交易的复杂性一致.

Overcoming Payment Challenges专业承包商经常面临付款延迟的问题. ProForm的流线型计费流程最大限度地减少了这些延迟,使您能够专注于您的手艺.

4. Real-Time Insights for Informed Decisions

ProForm isn’t just about billing; it’s a strategic tool. Here’s how it empowers decision-making:

Cost Visibility: Monitor project costs in real time. ProForm提供了一个全面的费用视图,帮助您保持预算.

Project Progress Tracking: Keep tabs on project milestones. ProForm与Sage Intacct的集成确保您始终了解每个项目的位置.

Cash Flow Predictability可预测的现金流对持续增长至关重要. ProForm的系统方法确保您可以提前计划并有效地分配资源.

In Conclusion

ProForm isn’t merely software; it’s a partner in your construction journey. As solid as the foundations you build, ProForm simplifies AIA billing, enhances efficiency, and empowers you to make informed decisions.

Explore ProForm on the LBMC Tech website 并了解它如何改变您的计费流程. Visit the Sage Intacct Marketplace to explore ProForm’s features. 请记住,使用ProForm,您的计费流程就像您构建的结构一样坚固!

More resources:

8 Signs You Need ProForm

虽然AIA计费软件可能不是每个企业都必需的, 它可以显著有利于分包公司同时管理多个项目. 如果你的公司每月为不同的客户处理大量的项目, 实施AIA计费软件可以简化您的计费流程并克服常见的挑战.


1. Time Drain on Progress Billing Forms

  • 花费过多的时间填写进度账单表格.
  • Decreased productivity due to manual processes.

2. Custom GC Forms

  • 处理来自不同总承建商的各种自订表格.
  • 难以将非标准表格整合到会计软件中.

3. Spreadsheet Management

  • 对电子表格管理支付应用的依赖.
  • Increased risk of errors and inefficiencies.

4. Missed Billing Dates

  • 难以跟踪多个GC计费时间表.
  • 由于忘记最后期限而错过付款周期的风险.

5. Fire Drills for Pay App Rejections

  • 需要在紧迫的最后期限内解决被拒绝的薪酬申请.
  • 由于错误或缺少文件而导致的潜在付款延迟.

6. Multiple Submission Portals

  • 为每个GC处理不同的提交门户.
  • 将erp与各种支付门户集成的挑战.

7. Disorganized File Management

  • 缺少项目账单表单的集中存储.
  • Risk of document loss or version control issues.

8. Complex Lien Waiver Collection

  • 要求从多个下级分包商处收集留置权弃权.
  • 标准的erp或会计软件无法处理繁琐的流程.